


I. Introduction of Yunnan University and the School of Economics

1.        Introduction of Yunnan University

YunnanUniversityis one of the earliest comprehensive universities in Southwest China, and is of over 90 years of history. As the predecessor of Yunnan University, Private Dong Lu Universitywas established in December of 1922 and reorganized into Provincial Dong Lu University in 1930, and later into Provincial Yunnan University in 1934. In 1938, Provincial Yunnan University was upgraded into a state university, Yunnan University.

In the 1940s, Yunnan University had already become a highly prestigious and influential university, covering wide range of academic fields of liberalarts, law, science, technology, agriculture, medicine and many others. In 1964, Yunnan University was listed as one of fifteen globally influential Chinese Universities in Encyclopedia Britannica. In 1952, after a series of reform and adjustment of universities in China, Yunnan University became a comprehensive university with the major focus on fundamental subjects and research.

After the Reform and Opening-up Policy, especially after the 1990s, Yunnan University gained substantial achievements. In 1966, Yunnan University was one of the first group of state key universities to be listed in the national “Project 211”; in 2001, Yunnan University was listed as the Key University in Great West Development Plan; in 2004, Yunnan University was nominated as the Key University of Joint Development by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and The People’s Government of Yunnan Province; in 2012, Yunnan University was one of universities to join “National Basic Ability Construction Project of Western and Central China”. In the September of 2017, Yunnan University was one of the first 42 universities and colleges that will be developed into world-class educational institutions.

Right now, Yunnan University has become a key comprehensive national university covering the academic fields of liberalarts, history, philosophy, economics, law, education, science, technology, agriculture, medicine, management and arts. The academic advantages of Yunnan University lie in ethnology, biology, unique resource development and environmental protection, border development issues, international studies in Southeast and South Asia. Considerable commitments from different levels and efforts from all academia and staff in Yunnan University enabled the establishment of multiple study bases, research programs and social service teams. Currently, there are the following affiliates and subordinated bodies under Yunnan University: 26 schools, 13 research institutes, 1 department of general courses, 1 affiliated hospital, and graduate school. Meanwhile, Yunnan University offers: 94 undergraduate programs, 12 state-level featured majors, two state-level professional comprehensive pilot reform programs, 10 state-level quality courses, three state-level publicly-available quality courses, six state-level quality video open courses, four national bilingual teaching model courses, one MOE-IBM quality course, one MOE-INTEL quality course, and two MOE-IBM specialty comprehensive reform programs. The university also has four state-level key disciplines including ethnology, ecology, specialized history and microbiology as well as 52 provincial key disciplines. Thirteen of its primary disciplines and 91 of its secondary disciplines are authorized to offer PhD programs, 14 centers offer post-doctoral studies, 38 primary disciplines and 206 secondary disciplines offer master's degrees, and 22 disciplines offer professional master's degrees. It has four national bases for talent cultivation, three national experiment teaching model centers, three national training programs for excellent engineers, one national educational training center for excellent practical and inter-disciplinary legal professionals, 4 national innovation experiment areas for talent cultivation model as well as one national pilot software school.

Looking into the future, Yunnan University will stick to its spirit of "wisdoms from many, justice for all", highlighting rule of law, establishment by virtue, developing by relying on academic research and talents. It will continue to explore the formation of modern university system, enhance its academic strengths, improve its education quality, strengthen its research capacity and social services, and promote its cultural inheritance and innovation capability. It is now working hard to become a world first-class comprehensive university that is located in the Southwest of China and facing the South and Southeast of Asia.

2. Introduction of School of Economics (School of Accounting)

The School of Economics was established in 1989, and was the first school in the university after the introduction of a university-school-department management system.The predecessor of the School of Economics was the EconomicsDepartment thatwas founded at the same time of Yunnan University (in 1923), and was one of the earliest economics departments in China.After over 90 years of development, the School of Economics gained advantages in both theoretical and applied economics, in both teaching and research, and became a strong center for both talent cultivation in economics and management and provision of social services.

In 2010, the School of Accounting was set up as adjunct to the School of Economics with the same team of leadership

Sticking to the principle of “People Oriented, Quality First”, the School of Economics (School of Accounting) aims to become a research and teaching school with great influence at home and a good reputation in South Asia and Southeast Asia, and also an important talent training base in economics and management in western China.

By the year of 2012, the School of Economics offers students a number of degree options. It has departments of economics, international business and economics, accounting, finance, fiscal levies, and risk management and insurance, as well as a Center for Rural Development Studies and other research centers. The school offers undergraduate students the following nine degree programs: economics, international economics and trade, accounting, certified public accounting, finance, insurance, international business, public finance and ACCA. The school has two primary disciplines at the master's level (theoretical economics and applied economics), four disciplines for professional master's authorization: accounting, auditing, international business and assets appraisal. The School also offers a primary discipline at the doctoral level (theoretical economics) and a Post-Doctoral Research Center of Theoretical Economics.The School of Economics forms a talent cultivation system of both economics and management, and both art and science.

Moreover, the School has a national key discipline (international economics and trade), a municipal reform pilot of talent training (international economics and trade), a municipal key discipline (economics) and two key disciplines of cooperation in Yunnan (finance and industrial economics)

The faculty of the School of Economics is highly qualified, profession, devoted and well structured. By the year of 2012, the faculty is composed by 94 full-time staff, among whom 82 are teaching staff and 12 are administration staff. The School has over 20 guest professors and external experts and 35 retired staff. Currently, there are 7 PhD supervisors in the School, over 62% of faculty are professor and associate professor, and over 64% own a PhD degree from universities of other provinces or overseas.

In 2012, there were 2145 students in the School of Economics (School of Accounting).  Among them, there are 1521 undergraduate students, 595 graduate students (299 for academic masters, 238 for professional master, 53 for PhD degree, and 5 are staff of the School), and over 30 overseas students.

The interaction between teaching and research has resulted in many high-quality scientific research results. In recent years, school faculty have published more than 30 academic works, translations and teaching materials in national first-class publishing houses, including the Commercial Press, People's Publishing House and China Social Sciences Press. Hundreds of papers have been published in Economic Research Journal, Economic Perspectives and other leading journals

Faculty members have also presided over nearly 100 research projects supported by the National Social Science Fund of China, the Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education, local government and international institutions

Last but not the least, the School of Economics (School of Accounting) is working hard on transforming research results into practical productivity, and contributing to local economic development. Many staff of the School are experts and consultants of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province, Provincial Finance Development Committee, Kunming Municipal government and many other departments and enterprises. In addition to educate talent in different academic fields, the School also provides training, consultation, and other social service to local organizations. Both academic research and socialcontribution are highly valued by the School of Economics (School of Accounting).

II.Departments and undergraduate majors

1. The Department of Economics

The Department of Economics was founded in 1923 and was one of the earliest departments of economics in Chinese universities. There is one undergraduate major (Economics) and one research center (Economic Reform and Development Center) under the Department. In terms of staff, there are 11 teaching staff, among whom there are 2 professors and 5 associate professor. 4 of them are with PhD degree. The staff in the Department of Economics are professional and devoted, and have won the first and second prize in the Teaching Contest of Yunnan University. The graduates of Economics major are qualified in many different fields, such as banking and non-banking financial industry, private corporations, and many others.

2. The Department of Foreign Trade

The Department of Foreign Trade was founded in the 1980s, and was one of the earliest foreign trade departments in the western part of China. Thereare 19 teaching staff in the Department of Foreign Trade, among whom there are 5 professors and 11 associate professor. 42% of them are with PhD degree and 4 are PhD supervisors. There are two majors in the Department: International Economics and Trade (offers degree in Economics) and International Commerce (offers degree in Management).

In order to promote the development of the Department, three teaching and research offices were established: International Trade, International Commerce and Specialized English. The Department also developed many bi-lingual courses with regional characteristics. The graduates of the Department are qualified in many trade related areas, and have great potential to become high-end talent in international business, management, and research.

3. The Department of Accounting

The Department of Accounting was founded in 1993. The Department offers degrees in both academic master and professional master. There are three undergraduate majors in the Department: Accounting, Accounting (CPA), and Accounting (ACCA). Thereare 18 teaching staff in the Department of Accounting, among whom there are 2 professors and 6 associate professor, and 4 are master supervisors.Most of staff in the Department are CPA members and are Independent Directors of listed corporations.

Apart from being fruitful in teaching and research, the staff of the Department also helps to created opportunities for their students. For example, the staff of the Department worked with Yunnan CPA Association to establish CPA Scholarship. The graduates of the Department are qualified in finance department in government organs, e